Wednesday, April 13, 2011

posting on mac widgets

Friday, March 4, 2011


one old girl different from another
better than the new one with one or two exceptions
sex means so little, but is needed instint evly
i like old faces, not old faces, but faces you know
it is easier, though a new face is very nice too sexualy

when it does not feel like it, just don' t do it
how does it end up like i think that every girl is way too much for me
just want to have fun, and a friends company then sex comes and crashes

we always want more, but it is not good
because what you have now is already beautiful

Friday, January 15, 2010


Friends are gone
Alone in a room
My friend is the computer
Your best friend
The computer
It was supposed to be good
I was supposed to be fun

Instead it is cold
It is not fun
It is controlling
It is watching
It is recording
It is not helping

It is stopping this world
It is killing people
It is make you do stupid things
It is harming us all
It is making us like a computer
It is controlling our lives
Let go off me
Get away from me
Stop this sadness
and give me my god back
He is better than you

Just sing and play a guitar


How can you go on
When you still know
What you have done?

You don't care
I dont feel anymore

One moment there was love
On the other it was sadness
Something fell down there
On a field of mud
Inside a car when one cried

Something that does not go out
Something that makes me
What I cannot be
Half man in a sad world
A letter with no address
Drifts along and lays aside

Music Power

It gives me power
When I feel down
But I also feel tired
Not knowing what to do
Inactive with my body
Desperate in my soul
Not knowing how to live

So many sharks and killer birds
Around me, I get sick of it
And it does not feel like
I want to do something

Living full of movie dreams
I get depressed in reality
Because it is so dull
So full of me and nobody else


I feel the past in me
It is heavy encrusted in my nails
So many thing to carry along
Some many thing that are still there
I was better if I forgot
But it is still here
Closed on a drawer
Full of drawings
In a bag full of letter and pictures


Here alone like a dog
I still wait quiet
like a violent silence
That never ends
With computer and internet
Watching tv and thinking
Alone with music in me
I can't play and I cry inside

Monday, January 11, 2010


I am gonna kill you
Yes I am
I swear to god I will kill you
Even if I am already dead

So you want war?

Too late to want a war
Now you can't handle it
Now you're hopeless
Your weapons do not obey
The force is on my side
You are all fucking dead
There is no excuse, it is just my job
No big deal just like every man would



REVENGE. The cold turkey
The fucker that did it to us all
The fucker that is still doing it today
After the victims, after the dead
It is still there stronger than ever

Don't fear it
Don't give a fuck

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A verdade

Estou todo fodido, esta tudo na mesma, nao vou a lado nenhum, preso aqui no quarto, agarrado ao computador. Assim seja. Cada dia mais dificil, cada dia mais so.
E verdade e e mentira. E eles a deprimir-nos.

Um gaviao que te apanha desprevinido por tras, que te baixa as calcas.
Vai-te ao cu e tu agradeces.



Cenas que nao me saem da cabeca. Sempre a chatear. Os erros do passado, as drogas, a puta da ex-namorada, agarrado a cenas. Merdas de barulhos que intereferem comigo e so para ficas passado. Filhos da puta. Politicos do caralho. A mim nao me fodem. Sao eles que comecam por te dar a volta a cabeca. Por isso da-lhe forte, com forca, so assim as tuas fraquezas e medos vao embora, porque existe um mundo so nosso, aqui e agora. a resistencia. So teu, So meu, onde tu e eu somos amigos, irmaos do coracao, sem limites nem fronteiras, livres de tudo e todos os que lutam para nos chatear. Livre de faltas de respeito e da estupidez egocentrica da sociedade. Livre das regras que nos fodem a todos, Liberdade. Paz.


Tenho que andar para a frente, sem olhar para merdas, nao tenho tempo. Sempre a anhar, sem fazer nada, mas sempre limpo. A noite passa devagar, porque comeca cedo, as unhas e a barba crescem. Tenho saudades, e isso e mau. E mau mano, muito mau, muito mau mesmo.
Este e o meu espaco livre, a minha cabeca para todos os meus irmaos e irmas do coracao, para mim, para me confessar a deus, para me irritar com os meus inimigos.
para ser livre, quando ja nao e possivel.
para os meus amigos daqui e dali. tambem em ingles para a familia em toda a parte. e porque a minha cabeca tb funciona em segunda.
O mundo esta de rastos, mas ainda ha esperanca, na musica, na vida feliz.
Passo dias inteiros a dormir, tenho dores de barriga, dores de cabeca. Nao bebo alcool, nao fumo charros nem nada pior. tomo banho poucas vezes. Acordo cedo para passear o cao e volto para a cama. Nao almoco. Tomo os cereais da manha com leite.
Jogo videojogos, vou a net, vou as compras, limpo a casa, e quando nao tenho mais nada para fazer ligo a musica. e funciona.


Killing myself to write something interesting. I guess it is not working.